The M.A.B.

Puttin You On The Music And The Business

With every new idea you have, with every new initiative you put forth, there will ALWAYS be someone there to tell you how difficult it will be, or how you wont be able to do it. Before you even get the opportunity to speak on the idea as a whole, someone’s going to tell you it can’t be done.
            The entertainment industry is a funny place, there is hardly a set path to success and everybody you meet will have a different story. But the one thing that successful navigators of this industry have in common is that they didn’t stop. Not everyone is going to believe that you have a hit song. Not everyone is going to believe that you have a great artist. And almost nobody will believe that YOU have any special skill whatsoever. But it is your choice to believe them or keep it moving.
            The next bright idea you have, hold your tongue about it. Sit on that idea, sit on that song, and sit on that initiative. Sometimes the best thing to do in a room full of chaos is to take a step back. Where I’m from we called it ‘peeping the scene’. When you ‘peep the scene’ you get a chance to reevaluate a situation. You get a chance to see how the different people handle different situations. It really just gives you a chance to think before you speak as to not just fly off the handle with the first thing that comes to mind.
            A lot of the people who have gotten ahead in the entertainment industry have had 1 of 2 things work for them. The first being luck. Sometimes you’re just in the right place at the right time, and you must seize the opportunity. The second, having a series of calculated risk present that opportunity. ‘Peeping the scene’ will help you realize just when you take that risk. Everybody’s not going to have the ability to see your vision, but if you wait, you might find the person who can at least see the direction your going and more importantly, if that person has the ability to help further you on your path toward success.  
            Moral of the story, everyone is NOT in your corner, and running off at the mouth can waste valuable energy. Take timeout in the midst of all the hustle and bustle to evaluate your situation and the people around you. Everyone cannot be privy to every idea and initiative you create. Find those that are in a position and willing to help build on and enrich what you have so when the opportunity presents itself….you can leap.

Jul 22, 2011

Motivation Music

           Sometimes music catches a real bad wrap (especially hip-hop) for a lot of violence in the black community while I was growing up. I’m not going to say it was without warrant either, but for now, I’m just gonna focus on the positive. I learned pretty early that music was just entertainment. So me listening to music throughout my life was to entertain me. Music was and is my get away.

I’m from Michigan. Flint city. Every other night was darker than the last. People can’t decide to buy dinner or buy gas and everybody’s related to somebody who’s laid off. I was surrounded on all sides by everything my parents tried to keep you from. I neither had the knowledge nor the wherewithal to detach myself from my surroundings. For that matter, I didn’t want too. I thought it was normal. I thought this was the life everybody lives. And then I got a radio…

My mind took off and hasn’t been back since. Hip-hop often accentuates the benefits that money brings. The fast cars, the clothes, the houses and the women. For me personally, it was the reality that I could one day elevate my current situation, and afford family and those close to me with everything life has to offer. Music never made me want to be a rapper, it made me dream. Music made me believe. That anything can be done. I just wanna live and experience it all…
           To enjoy music is to enjoy life. Just about every moment in my life worth remembering is connected to music or a particular song. The first time I kissed a girl…the music made me do it. The long hours you go through at the gym over the summer for the season…the music made me do it. But you get the point. Music is the oldest motivator in the book. So turn ya music up and keep ya heads up. Big ups to everybody grinding in the taco bell kitchen. One time for everybody waking up to punch the clock one more day at the dead-end. Keep dreaming. At the end of the day…that’s all we got. Ride Out...

Jun 23, 2011

....gone West

Ever since I could remember I was into music. Didn’t really matter what the genre was, as long as it moved me. See, I like my music to inspire me; growing up in the church I’ve always liked my music to have a little soul too. By soul, I mean something that unconsciously makes you move ya feet, something that gets ya blood flowing. Growing up playing sports I was always in the hunt for some new music to help motivate me through the brutal summer workouts and such. Enter ‘The Roc’.
            Roc-A-Fella Records based out of New York came along around 1996 but didn’t really start making noise until ’98. It was something about Roc-A-Fella that I identified heavily with. Maybe it was because I was from the inner city and all of the artists on that label were from the inner city too. Maybe it was because the Mid-West and the East Coast had a lot of things in common. I don’t know, but I was hooked, the music had me. Then my sophomore year of college a friend of mine handed me a CD and said, “yo, this that Kanye West mixtape.” I asked him, “Who is Kanye West?” He immediately looked back at me wit the screw face and said, “What?”
            My friend just handed me the CD and said, “Go find out.” So I took the CD, went back to my dorm and popped it in. I listened to one song, one song only and immediately called up my friend. I told him I needed to know who, what, when and where! He explained to me that he was the go-to producer for Roc-a-fella and he decided to start rapping. I immediately went back through my collection of music, all the Roc-A-Fella artist and CDs. This kid Kanye West was behind 99% of the songs I kept on repeat for the last couple years. Anything I considered having soul, son put his hands on. Hits like, Jay-Z’s “This Cant Be Life”, “Heart of the City”, “Never Change”, Beanie Sigel’s “Nothing Like It”, Freeway’s “Hear This Song”, State Property’s “Got Nowhere”, Scareface’s “Guess Who’s Back”, T.I.’s “Doin My Job” and even Talib Kweli’s “Get By,” all Kanye West. But it was hearing that one song on his mixtape that I felt I truly knew who this guy was. The song was called ‘Homecoming.” Completely blew me away.
            Kanye went on to win several Grammy’s and sell millions of records. But along with the stardom, fortune and fame, came trial and tribulation. He still makes good music, but in my opinion, the Kanye I knew is long gone. The College Dropout Kanye, the hungry ‘Ye. That guy is no more. But that’s just a part of growing in the music industry. You strive to reach success but its that very same success engulfs you and you can no longer be who you used to be. It’s cool though, I’ve come to terms with THAT West being gone. I’m just cool with knowing I got in on the ground floor. I got to witness a movement. Those were some of the best years of my life. Them were my coming of age years. I got a lifetime of memories to those times, and Yeezy made the soundtrack.
            But you know I wasn’t go leave y’all without the music. Remember where you were when it dropped? Roc on…

"Original Homecoming"

"Never Change - Jay-Z"

"Guess Who's Back - Scareface"

"Got Nowhere - State Property feat. Beanie Sigel & Freeway"

"Get By - Talib Kweli"

Ayo, its almost that time again niggas, the summer is among us…and I feel its my duty to make sure you niggas don’t go out and look like complete slouches throughout the duration of these crucial 4 months…If you follow these simple rules, you’re sure to stay out of the topic of niggas conversations after you leave the room…With that being said, lets get into it:

Rule 1: All Baby Powder Everything
Ayo, this is crucial my niggas…When you walk into the after party full of flawless women who left the house with all intentions of giving up the box, this is the worst thing you can have happen:

You a big nigga…the world expects more of you fam…you gotta attack all area’s of possible struggle before they creep up and seal your fate. Before you leave the house, make sure you fortify ya chest, back, and balls fam. These three area’s can make or break you long before you say ya first words.

Rule 2: Keep a Cloth
Pay attention fam, a lot of my fellow big boys know this rule very well but often make a crucial mistake that leaves them full of remorse by the end of the day. NO WHITE TOWELS niggas! I cant stress this enough…nothings worse than seeing a big nigga slithering around the cookout wiping his face with a dirty white towel. Everybody sees you and you'll be immediately eliminated from any invitations to the nights festivities. So make haste over to ya local Walmart and pick up a pack of these babies and remove any traces of perspiration with seamless execution…

 Rule 3: DEGREE

Yes niggas…This is not a debate. No other deodorant on the face of this earth is more sufficient in keeping big nigga’s in the game. Degree is hand-crafted from the soap of angel’s themselves. The only question is to what kind of degree you decide to remove from the shelf. On those afternoons where the temperature is relaxin in those mid-90’s or higher…‘SPORT’ is the only scent that’s gonna lead you to the land of milk & honey. Now maybe when you get home and you wash of the stench of a 10-hr shift, I recommend you make a couple passes across those pits with the ‘COOL RUSH’….Once ya lady friend gets a whiff of that mountain breeze emanating from your chest-plate, she’ll be ready to politely present you the box in the finest of ‘Victoria’s Secret’ wrappings…

Rule 4: Stay Hydrated
Not staying hydrated can complicate the first three rules to critical levels of struggle. Real talk, it was al fun and games until the fire department has to come get the big nigga outta the elevator after having a heat stroke. No matter how fresh you stay, its go take at least 3 summers for ya co-workers to forget seeing you being carried outta the food-court at the mall on a hospital gurney. Stay hydrated fam…

Rule 5: Keep a fresh Cut!
Ayo, in those winter months it was nothing for you to just prop a fresh fitted cap on ya cranium and suppress the struggle that was hidden underneath…but in the heat of the summer that’s only gonna bring out crushing levels of criticism once the ladies get a look at the utter torment and punishment you’ve sweated into the brim of ya favorite Yankee cap…cant afford to keep heading back to the shop? Cop you a fresh set of these puppies.

After a few practices runs on ya nephews, by mid-summer you can achieve the greatness only reached by the most respected Shaolin masters.

Alright my chunky brothers, these just the basic rules one must follow in order to enjoy all the blessings God has intended for you this summer…falling short of even ONE of these can have drastic repercussions. Leaving your social life in complete shambles. You’ll look up and your favorite social networking site will be peppered with pictures of you sweating profusely and your comments & mentions in total disarray…so be Safe and be sure...Im out…

Feb 16, 2011

God Given Talent...

            Growing up with family and friends, you never really think about whom each of you may become, where you may go, whom you will influence. I grew up in a very large extended family. My mother’s parents had 9 children, those 9 children begat 22 grand children. Us 22 brother, cousins, nieces and nephews tried to spend as much time together as we could, birthdays, sleepovers, Easters and Christmas’. Everybody in our family had their own interest and plans for our future, but from day one, we all knew one cousin had something special. Something that had to be God given, and that cousin was Chris, affectionately known as Boo-Boo to family.
            As far back as I could remember my cousin Chris was playing the drums. I believe he took over the drumming duties at the family church at the ripe old age of 3 ½ months. Seriously though, it was like he was born to do it. I remember begging moms to let me go to Chris’ just for the chance to get my hands wrapped around a fresh set of drumsticks. Chris’ drums were far superior to the ones at the church, and I couldn’t wait to get my change to disturb the peace. After a while, and a restraining order preventing me from ever playing the church drums again I knew the drums weren’t my calling, but Chris? Chris was kept getting better.
            Growing up in Saginaw Michigan, even before graduating Christopher Coleman got to play with some big time Gospel recording artist like, Edwin Hawkins and Marvin Winans. After High School Chris went on to graduate with honors from the Drummers Collective. From there the sky has been the limit for Chris. He’s been on tour with and played with Creflo Dollar, “Isreal & New Breed” and the now notorious Bishop Eddie Long. The kid even has his own instructional DVD. HIS OWN DIGITAL VIDEO DISK! All this time, and probably forever, I’m thinking of my cousin Chris as Boo-Boo, imagine my face when I’m talking to a few friends all the way across the country and they tell me they STUDIED that video. People all over the country watching this man get busy on a drum set with hopes of getting ALMOST as good as him. Bananas. But, I just thought I’d big-up my big Cuz up, and I cant leave ya’ll without showing you son do work, let this Hebrews 11:1 massage ya earlobes and stimulate ya visuals:

Feb 3, 2011


           The sexy new word in the music industry is ‘Illuminati.’ People have begun to throw the word around all willy-nilly because of an artist success or their current status. So I felt like I needed to clear up this issue for everybody. Firstly, you really have to ask yourself, how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go, and also, can you look at what you find with an unbiased eye. A lot of times, people decided what they’re going to believe before they even give another view point a chance. This drastically stunts personal growth, for you have decided that your eyes are king.

Now, just so everybody can get a general idea, the word ‘Illuminati’ is a word used to describe the occult world elite. Illuminati meaning the ‘enlightened ones,’ are considered by some to be a shadow government pulling the strings of society. These artist and entertainers are definitely NOT part of the illuminati and believing so is a direct reflection of the complete lack of understanding of the nature of the world’s elite. They are but pawns, as the music industry is a tool of the elite to shape, educate and mold the masses. Artist with great charisma and influence are used to help sell its ideas and propagate its agenda, they have zero say in important issues or World policies. Some even believe this new trend of labeling artist as members of the illuminati is in fact the mass media’s way of spreading disinformation as to make the entire thing seem utterly ridiculous.

         Now, all this talk about ‘propaganda’, ‘misinformation,’ you have to understand, these are all real tactics used by big companies, military and governments everyday to push or suppress an agenda. These are not just big words used to make someone sound smart, but they are used most specifically in mass media. Even the great country of the United States uses propaganda, its helped in shaping most of the nations current view on the Middle East.

         Secondly, the argument of race should be completely eliminated when talking about the illuminati. The more correct argument would be elites vs. the masses. The successful head of any business knows that there have to be followers, worker bees, and if you have an agenda its better to slowly transition the company rather than to just shift everything all at once. The music industry in this case, is simply a vehicle to treat the masses, people of all color, like a ‘bewildered herd.’

            To really get a grasp of the true nature of this thing called the Illuminati, you have to educate yourself and understand its origins, association with secret societies, and its agenda for tomorrow. Whether you choose to believe that an organization like this can even exist, it’s hard to argue with the symbolism littered throughout popular culture. Lots of these things are connected and its a consistent theme has arisen, you’d be a fool to think this everything is coincidence.

Think critically:

Jan 11, 2011

Inspiration Season

 I wanna put ya’ll up on this website that I thought was mad interesting. The sight is called It’s a media site that’s dedicated to sharing ideas. I was on there clickin around and listening to different speakers present different things, and I ran into a video by a man named Seth Goding. Seth Goding is an entrepreneur and highly sought after lecturer.
In the video I watched he was talking about how the Internet has brought about the resurgence of tribes in a social networks. He explained how ‘tribes’ gave ordinary people the power to lead and make a big change.
Its not about having the masses behind you, its about finding that small dedicated few who will help you step by step create a ‘movement’. A movement is not about the masses, but about finding the ‘true believers’ of a cause.
         Alright, so let me break it down for you. If you in a rap group, a solo artist or you wanna start ya own label but don’t know where to begin, the power is at your very finger tips. Through social media sites like Facebook or Twitter you have the power to build your own following. Social media allows people to find their respective tribe to join and follow. It allows people who are seemingly disconnected but all share a similar yearning for something, unlike persuading them to want something they don’t have yet. So whether your hip-hop, R&B or neo-soul, those of a similar likeness will find you and because they identify themselves as being similar will help move the movement. This idea is not about being an inventor but about being a leader. Gooding used the example of Bob Marley who didn’t invent Rastafarianism but stood up and said, ‘follow me’.
         People are and always will be waiting to be led, and with social media it has become easier then ever for you, yes you reading this to stand up and take the lead. I felt this was valuable not only to me but to anyone. Hearing him talk about this made me look at two things: 1. The different possibilities for my current involvement in social networking sites, including this blog, And 2. The direction I choose to lead people in, I want to effect a positive change in people, that’s the legacy I want to leave. So Ima leave ya’ll with the video, I hope it come of some use to you as it did for me. Holla