The M.A.B.

Puttin You On The Music And The Business

Feb 3, 2011


           The sexy new word in the music industry is ‘Illuminati.’ People have begun to throw the word around all willy-nilly because of an artist success or their current status. So I felt like I needed to clear up this issue for everybody. Firstly, you really have to ask yourself, how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go, and also, can you look at what you find with an unbiased eye. A lot of times, people decided what they’re going to believe before they even give another view point a chance. This drastically stunts personal growth, for you have decided that your eyes are king.

Now, just so everybody can get a general idea, the word ‘Illuminati’ is a word used to describe the occult world elite. Illuminati meaning the ‘enlightened ones,’ are considered by some to be a shadow government pulling the strings of society. These artist and entertainers are definitely NOT part of the illuminati and believing so is a direct reflection of the complete lack of understanding of the nature of the world’s elite. They are but pawns, as the music industry is a tool of the elite to shape, educate and mold the masses. Artist with great charisma and influence are used to help sell its ideas and propagate its agenda, they have zero say in important issues or World policies. Some even believe this new trend of labeling artist as members of the illuminati is in fact the mass media’s way of spreading disinformation as to make the entire thing seem utterly ridiculous.

         Now, all this talk about ‘propaganda’, ‘misinformation,’ you have to understand, these are all real tactics used by big companies, military and governments everyday to push or suppress an agenda. These are not just big words used to make someone sound smart, but they are used most specifically in mass media. Even the great country of the United States uses propaganda, its helped in shaping most of the nations current view on the Middle East.

         Secondly, the argument of race should be completely eliminated when talking about the illuminati. The more correct argument would be elites vs. the masses. The successful head of any business knows that there have to be followers, worker bees, and if you have an agenda its better to slowly transition the company rather than to just shift everything all at once. The music industry in this case, is simply a vehicle to treat the masses, people of all color, like a ‘bewildered herd.’

            To really get a grasp of the true nature of this thing called the Illuminati, you have to educate yourself and understand its origins, association with secret societies, and its agenda for tomorrow. Whether you choose to believe that an organization like this can even exist, it’s hard to argue with the symbolism littered throughout popular culture. Lots of these things are connected and its a consistent theme has arisen, you’d be a fool to think this everything is coincidence.

Think critically:


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