The M.A.B.

Puttin You On The Music And The Business

Feb 16, 2011

God Given Talent...

            Growing up with family and friends, you never really think about whom each of you may become, where you may go, whom you will influence. I grew up in a very large extended family. My mother’s parents had 9 children, those 9 children begat 22 grand children. Us 22 brother, cousins, nieces and nephews tried to spend as much time together as we could, birthdays, sleepovers, Easters and Christmas’. Everybody in our family had their own interest and plans for our future, but from day one, we all knew one cousin had something special. Something that had to be God given, and that cousin was Chris, affectionately known as Boo-Boo to family.
            As far back as I could remember my cousin Chris was playing the drums. I believe he took over the drumming duties at the family church at the ripe old age of 3 ½ months. Seriously though, it was like he was born to do it. I remember begging moms to let me go to Chris’ just for the chance to get my hands wrapped around a fresh set of drumsticks. Chris’ drums were far superior to the ones at the church, and I couldn’t wait to get my change to disturb the peace. After a while, and a restraining order preventing me from ever playing the church drums again I knew the drums weren’t my calling, but Chris? Chris was kept getting better.
            Growing up in Saginaw Michigan, even before graduating Christopher Coleman got to play with some big time Gospel recording artist like, Edwin Hawkins and Marvin Winans. After High School Chris went on to graduate with honors from the Drummers Collective. From there the sky has been the limit for Chris. He’s been on tour with and played with Creflo Dollar, “Isreal & New Breed” and the now notorious Bishop Eddie Long. The kid even has his own instructional DVD. HIS OWN DIGITAL VIDEO DISK! All this time, and probably forever, I’m thinking of my cousin Chris as Boo-Boo, imagine my face when I’m talking to a few friends all the way across the country and they tell me they STUDIED that video. People all over the country watching this man get busy on a drum set with hopes of getting ALMOST as good as him. Bananas. But, I just thought I’d big-up my big Cuz up, and I cant leave ya’ll without showing you son do work, let this Hebrews 11:1 massage ya earlobes and stimulate ya visuals:


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