The M.A.B.

Puttin You On The Music And The Business

With every new idea you have, with every new initiative you put forth, there will ALWAYS be someone there to tell you how difficult it will be, or how you wont be able to do it. Before you even get the opportunity to speak on the idea as a whole, someone’s going to tell you it can’t be done.
            The entertainment industry is a funny place, there is hardly a set path to success and everybody you meet will have a different story. But the one thing that successful navigators of this industry have in common is that they didn’t stop. Not everyone is going to believe that you have a hit song. Not everyone is going to believe that you have a great artist. And almost nobody will believe that YOU have any special skill whatsoever. But it is your choice to believe them or keep it moving.
            The next bright idea you have, hold your tongue about it. Sit on that idea, sit on that song, and sit on that initiative. Sometimes the best thing to do in a room full of chaos is to take a step back. Where I’m from we called it ‘peeping the scene’. When you ‘peep the scene’ you get a chance to reevaluate a situation. You get a chance to see how the different people handle different situations. It really just gives you a chance to think before you speak as to not just fly off the handle with the first thing that comes to mind.
            A lot of the people who have gotten ahead in the entertainment industry have had 1 of 2 things work for them. The first being luck. Sometimes you’re just in the right place at the right time, and you must seize the opportunity. The second, having a series of calculated risk present that opportunity. ‘Peeping the scene’ will help you realize just when you take that risk. Everybody’s not going to have the ability to see your vision, but if you wait, you might find the person who can at least see the direction your going and more importantly, if that person has the ability to help further you on your path toward success.  
            Moral of the story, everyone is NOT in your corner, and running off at the mouth can waste valuable energy. Take timeout in the midst of all the hustle and bustle to evaluate your situation and the people around you. Everyone cannot be privy to every idea and initiative you create. Find those that are in a position and willing to help build on and enrich what you have so when the opportunity presents itself….you can leap.


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